Group Exercise Class Descriptions

Class Descriptions


Step class is easy stepping onto a step board in time with music. The goal of the class is to have fun together, develop and maintain endurance fitness, and improve coordination. You can adjust the workout's intensity with the height of the board and this class is excellent for everyone!


An energetic dance class that elevates your heart rate, where you can enjoy varying dance styles! The class develops coordination and rhythm and is suitable for beginners as well as experienced dancers. LET'S DANCE!


Fit Back 45 is a class focusing on supporting back wellness. It includes versatile movements for the back, exercises to develop mobility and strength, not forgetting the core.


Air yoga is a practice using a supported fabric hammock that improves muscle strength, flexibility, balance, and also uplifts mood and relieves stress. Air yoga is offered as a course format. Contact our customer service for more information about the courses.


A versatile workout that challenges both body and mind!

The class alternates between combat sport-inspired segments on the punching bag and aerobic and muscle conditioning exercises using, for example, dumbbells or kettlebells.

Bag exercises include punches and kicks, but no previous experience in martial arts is required, as everything necessary is covered during the class.

You can borrow boxing gloves at the gym, but you can also bring your own if you have them.


Ole.Cross is a functional strength training class. The class includes learning basic movements thoroughly before the actual workout. It consists of a movement-opening warm-up, technique, and strength section. The class is challenging and best suited for those who have prior exercise experience.


Fit Circuit is an easy and effective 45-minute circuit training workout using various equipment and body weight. The class develops muscular endurance and is excellent for beginners as well.


Pilates is a body and mind class. It focuses on strengthening the core, maintaining posture, and spinal mobility. The class uses body weight and equipment like Pilates rolls. The duration is 60 minutes.


Fit Hiit – An effective, high-intensity HIIT workout that challenges your body in various ways. The class develops your maximal oxygen uptake and muscle strength.


The Body Maintenance class is a calm workout that improves flexibility, helps with stress management, and aids in recovery. The class includes dynamic and fascia exercises. The content varies depending on the instructor.


Ole.Ikiliikkuja is a 60-minute workout that strengthens the body's muscles diversely and helps maintain vitality. The class includes a joint warm-up and cool-down stretching. It consists of easy circuit training using body weight, equipment, or gym machines. The class is particularly suitable for seniors and beginners.


Fit Booty is an effective 30-minute muscle conditioning class that strengthens and shapes the lower body muscles. The class starts with an engaging warm-up and includes easy muscle-strengthening exercises. It uses body weight and various equipment. The class is suitable for beginners and long-term fitness enthusiasts.


Fit Core is a muscle conditioning class that extensively strengthens the core muscles. This class activates the abdominal and back muscles, including deep muscles. It starts with an effective warm-up. Exercises are intensified using either body weight or different equipment. The class is suitable for both beginners and experienced exercisers. Duration is 30 minutes.


Yin Yoga focuses on the body, working with your own breathing in easy passive positions with durations of 3-5 minutes. Yin Yoga aims to stretch gently and softly, reaching deep into connective tissues, grounding the body, and calming the mind. The class includes an initial settling in, activation of meridians (energy channels) linked to the seasons in different positions (asanas), and a final relaxation using sound bowls and gongs. Yin Yoga is a gentle body maintenance class, thus suitable for everyone.


Flow Yoga is a fluid form of yoga that develops flexibility, balance, and body control. The exercises performed in the class warm up and open the body and calm the mind. The duration is 60 minutes.